Image of stone  'TEISKO' Ruler 0-20 cm Ruler 0-7.8 inch
Steindaten und Fotos: Deutsches Naturstein-Archiv (DNSA), Wunsiedel (Stein Nr. 2116)

Allgemeine Informationen

Trading names TEISKO
Location where found Teisko/ Tampere
Country Finland
Coloring pink, black, light grey      
Grain size Fine to medium grained
Structure brecciated or bulbous
Availability Available


Bezeichnung Orbiculite
Alter Precambrian
Gesteinsgruppe Abyssal rock

INSK – Internationale Naturstein-Kartei

INSK Number old 3.3.26
INSK Number 19.2

Care information from Möller-Chemie

Logo der Firma Möller-Chemie Steinpflegemittel GmbH
+49 9441 176940
Support: Link

Stain removal guide:

Recommendations for bonding and filling

Logo der Firma AKEMI chem. tech. Spezialfabrik GmbH
+49 911 64 29 60
Support: Link

Productfinder bonding / filling:

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