Allgemeine Informationen
Trading names | BOURG |
Location where found | Tauriac (Gironde) / nw´ Saint-André de Cubzac |
Country | France |
Availability | Is being mined, but is used very seldom. |
Bezeichnung | Limestone |
Alter | Tertiary |
Gesteinsgruppe | Sedimentary rocks |
Technische Eigenschaften
Polish quality | Polish is not possible. |
Suitable for flooring | Hardly suitable as indoor floor covering |
Acid resistant | The stone is sensitive to acid! |
Technische Daten
Bulk density | 2,05 t/m³ |
Pressure resistance | 7,6 MPa |
Porosity | 12,4-15 Vol.-% |
Care information from Möller-Chemie
Recommendations for bonding and filling
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