Allgemeine Informationen
Trading names | ACHERTAL |
Location where found | ö' Kappelrodeck/ Schwarzwald |
Country | Germany |
State | Baden-Wuerttemberg | Coloring | beige |
Grain size | Fine to medium grained |
Structure | Largely without direction |
Availability | No longer being mined! |
Bezeichnung | Granite |
Alter | Upper Carboniferous |
Gesteinsgruppe | Abyssal rock |
Technische Eigenschaften
Polish quality | Polish possible. |
Polish durability | The polish is durable for exterior use. |
Suitable for flooring | Suitable |
Acid resistant | The stone is resistant to acid under usual circumstances. |
Frost resistant | frost resistant |
Technische Daten
Bulk density | 2,60 t/m³ |
Pressure resistance | ~200 MPa |
Abriebfestigkeit | 6 cm³/50cm² |
Bending strength | ~11,0 MPa |
INSK – Internationale Naturstein-Kartei
INSK Number old | 3.1.7 |
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