Dr. Fritsch Sondermaschinen GmbH

Dr. Fritsch Sondermaschinen GmbH

Dieselstraße 8
70736 Fellbach

Telephone: +49(0)711/518320
Fax: +49(0)711/5183210

More information:

Since the formation of the company in 1953 the name Dr. Fritsch stands for highest quality regarding the development and manufacturing of machines for the diamond tool industry. Research and fabrication of high class metal powders has also been part of our service offer for decades.

Dr. Fritsch has developed to one of the leading companies in the field of diamond tools. A perfect harmonizing team of nearly 100 employees assures a smooth production and service processes.

A global network for distribution and service with representatives all over the world guarantees comprehensive and capable support.

Laser Welding Machine LSM 300