ARGE Natursteinwerk - Produkte

ARGE Natursteinwerke extracts the following materials in own quarries: Flossenbürger Granit Gold, Graugold und Royalblau.
Transport of raw material to the company's own factory
The company uses modern technology for processing their stones
Raw materials are processed to products like facades, kitchen worktops, slabs, gravestones, tiles walls and stairs
Fountains for outside
Fountains are for example used for public spaces
The company also provides facades for lacal and international projects.
Example for the use of tiles
The company offers also gravestones ...
... and offers kitchen worktops, which are also produced in own factories
Kitchen worktop ready to sell
Custom made massive components
The company also supplies walls
Slabs for inside and outside use
Sculptures and memorials
Last but not least the company offers different types of accessoires
Light made of natural stone