
Natural stone tiles are mainly available in a variety of sizes 10 x 10, 20 x 20, 25 x 25, 30 x 15, 30 x 30, 60 x 60 and are usually 8,10 or 12 mm thick. Due to the advances made in manufacturing technology over the last ten years, the modern natural stone tile is accurate in thickness and size. Therefore, it’s now possible to fix on a thin bed adhesive making installation easier and faster. For more information regarding companies which offer adhesives click here.

When purchasing natural stone tiles make sure that the quantity you purchase will complete the job and that all the boxes are from the same batch. Most companies mark the box with a batch number. When installing tiles it’s important that you follow the supplier’s instructions. Often they advise you to open five or six cartons at a time and take a mixture of tiles from each box be used at the same time. 

Choosing the correct material
Our Stone Search helps you to choose the correct material for your project. Click here or on "Stone Search" in the top navigation of our website and then choose "General Search".

Type of stone
Click on the arrow in the field "Type of stone" and choose one of the following  categories:
1. Hard stone: Hard wearing, in most cases suitable for all installations, known
    commercially as Granite.
2. Soft stone: In some cases suitable for flooring, but mostly for walling and
    light usage, known commercially as marble.
3. Sandstone: Many uses in most cases suitable for interior and exterior
4. Porous Vulcanite: Generally classified as a  hard stones and  suitable for all
5. Slate: In many cases hard wearing and are suitable for most installations.

For more information regarding  the uses of the above material please click here.

Click on the arrow in the field "Colour" to select the colour of the desired stone.
There are single colours and some mixtures, i.e. Grey-Green.

Only complete if you wish to purchase a local material. Or, if you wish to find all the materials of a certain country that are included in our database, leave the fields "type of stone" and "colour" empty, and  just enter the name of a country. 

The following fields refine the search to find the materials most suitable for your requirements.

Suitable for flooring: Click if you require tiles for flooring.

Acid resistant: Click if the material is to be used in a kitchen or a commercial bathroom, or toilet floor.

Frost resistant: Click if the material is to be used outside or in a cold conservatory.

Polish possible: Click if you require a polished finish.

When you have completed the above,  press "Start". A number of materials will come on the screen. Scroll down and choose the ones you like by clicking "details". The chosen material will appear  together with the following technical data:
• Polish Possible
• Polish durable
• Suitable for flooring
• Acid resistant
• Frost resistant
• Trade names

On the top right hand side there is a box headed "Suppliers".
In this box we list the suppliers of the material. When the name of the supplier is clicked, their details will come on the screen together with the other materials they supply.